A teacher trainer and trainee discussing an English language coursebook in a classroom

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework for Teachers in State Schools in Armenia policy paper was authored by British Council Armenia with the support of Sheffield Hallam University following a request from the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport in 2021–22.

The paper conceptualises and organises teacher continuing professional development around a new teacher CPD framework developed and fully adjusted for Armenia’s educational context based on the existing research-backed British Council’s model usable for and by all subject teachers working in state schools in Armenia.

The paper also identifies ways the new framework can be integrated with the existing attestation system while also recommending and introducing novel systems and approaches to teacher attestation, accreditation and promotion, as well as for empowering teachers to take responsibility for their own ongoing professional development.

The proposed model and framework were ratified by the government of Armenia in December 2022 and are the backbone of the undergoing reform that Armenia’s Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport is trying to introduce in state schools’ teacher attestation and accreditation system.

The full paper can be read below.