Future ChangeMaker

Shoghine Kamoyan is one of the teachers of ‘Future ChangeMakers’ summer camps. For three consecutive years, the British Council organised summer camps for teenagers aiming to improve the children’s English language knowledge by a carefull designed comprehsnive programme. 

The specialists were chosen on a competitive basis and would participate in a number of training courses before starting the work. 

“My participation in the programme was a wonderful opportunity for me to conclude once again that I have chosen the right profession. Thanks to the programme, I have not only gained new knowledge and experience but also many new values,” said Shoghine. 

Shoghine shares that teaching at the camp was a completely new experience for her resulting in changes in her workstyle: 

“I learned to develop full lesson plans in an effective way in a short period of time. I learned to teach without textbooks using the variety online and educational materials developed by the British Council. By learning these, I managed to convey my love towards English to my students,” she said. 

Shoghine now plans to study in Germany. After graduating, she is going to get back to her beloved work – teaching English.